Classic Miso Soup

Miso soup originated in Japan and was first common amongst the Samurai society during the Kamakura period (1185 - 1333). At the time when there was constant warfare in Japan, miso soup was also a popular food for military commanders. The reason it was so popular is because it is so nutritious and easy to prepare at the same time. 

Today, finding quick and healthy ways of preparing food is more important than ever. As such, Miso soup is the perfect solution to that challenge. The traditional miso soup is often made with seaweed and dashi stock which gives it a fishy taste. We leave out both the dashi stock and the seaweed. In case you have seaweed at home or it is easily purchasable, you can of course add it. Instead, we add mushrooms to this recipe, which combined with the genmai miso, unleash a rather pure and nutty flavour. This version caters for a vegan diet and it is easier to find the ingredients for it. This way, we preserve tradition while also making the dish more suitable to modern eating habits. 


  • 5 g Wakame
  • 100 g Tofu, sliced into cubes
  • Green part from 1 Spring onion, trimmed and finely chopped 
  • 40 g Genmai Miso 
  • 400 ml Water


Place the wakame in cold water and turn up the heat. After the water starts to boil, let the wakame cook in it for another 3 minutes. This allows the sea aroma to properly unfold. Then, add the tofu and let simmer for 2 more minutes

Turn off the heat in order to maintain the freshness of the miso soup and to prevent destroying the microorganisms in the miso. Using a strainer, brush in the miso into the mixture. This is the traditional way of doing it. As it leaves behind the solid parts of the miso (the soybeans and the rice), it ensures that the broth turns out thinner. However, the miso can also just be added without being strained.

After adding the spring onion to the soup, it is now ready to be served.