Soy Milk or oat milk?

There are more options than ever before when choosing your plant-based milk alternative. Do you choose based on flavour, or nutrition? At HUADOU, we want to give you the facts. 

Below is a breakdown of the different nutritional and environmental factors that may help influence your decision. In our coffee, we use only the best soy milk to deliver high nutrition and delicious flavour. You can see why below.

Auf den ersten Blick hat Sojamilch im Vergleich zu Hafermilch offensichtliche Vorteile, was den Nährstoffgehalt betrifft. Soja hat zum Beispiel weniger Kalorien, Kohlenhydrate, und Zucker. Währenddessen hat es einen höheren Gehalt an Proteinen, Vitamin D, Calcium, und Potassium. Für viele Vegetarier und Veganer kann die Zufuhr von Nährstoffen problematisch werden, wenn Fleisch und Milchprodukte durch grünere Alternativen ersetzt werden. Sojamilch bietet mehr Gesundheitliche Vorteile als andere pflanzliche Milchalternativen und das, mit dem kleinsten ökologischen Fußabdruck. 

In times of environmental change, it is important to know how your products are made and how their production affects the environment. Soy milk and oat milk are both similar in their environmental output and can both be considered viable options for a greener lifestyle. 

As we can see in the above table, there are little differences between the two. Although there is slightly more CO2 produced from the production of soy milk, there is substantially less water required in the process. Similarly, less land is needed for the production of soy milk than compared to oat milk. At HUADOU, we choose soy for its sweet flavour, high nutrition and low environmental impact. The rest is up to you. 
